a facilitator helping knowledge
circulating more, better and faster
inside and outside your company

My Projects

Building Digital Academies

We help you build your corporate academy, fill it with great contents, manage it as an elearning pro

Learning Management System

Open Source LMS designed for corporate learning management. Are your ready for Open Innovation?

Forma Plugins & Cloud Hosting

Highly specialized hosting services and plugins for Forma LMS

Some companies I worked with

About Me

My job and passion is to assist companies in the design and deployment of corporate web solutions. With a strong focus on elearning and LMS management, I work to facilitate the adoption of web applications within organizational training and knowledge management processes: this goes through the needs analysis and solutions design on one side, and the web project management and developement coordination on the other. I like to collaborate with many different companies, from small to large corporations, working in sinergy with my clients and facing new needs and challenges every day. I am somehow a "cultural mediator": I translate technological opportunities into organizational language, and organizational needs into technical solutions.
